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Raleigh, N.C. – On March 25, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Social Services (DSS) and the Consulate General of Mexico in Raleigh signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) that protects Mexican minors in the event they have been separated from their parents or guardians.

“We could not be more pleased to work with the Mexican Consulate,” said Wayne Black, Director, N.C. DSS. “This agreement will ensure the best possible protection for Mexican minors in North Carolina.”

While the Mexican Government has signed MoAs in 27 states, the agreement with DSS comes with a more comprehensive scope, establishing mutual cooperation between the Consulate General and DSS to locate family members, provide evidence and documentation, accessibility of services of both government agencies, joint participation in Community Outreach activities and reuniting minors with their families in Mexico when appropriate.

“This MoA is of the utmost importance,” said Javier Díaz de León, Consul General. “With it, we are aiming to further cooperate with the N.C. Government to reduce cases in which Mexican minors and their parents are separated.”

The MoA also provides a method of early identification for Mexican minors and their families, to ensure protections afforded by international conventions, the Bilateral Convention and any other applicable treaties and laws.

Both the N.C. DSS and the Mexican Consulate are committed to the development and delivery of joint community meetings and other information sharing efforts, to support in the protection and wellbeing of Mexican families and minors.

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