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1822—Congress combined East & West Florida into Florida Territory.
1842—Ether used as an anaesthetic for 1st time by Dr. Crawford Long (Ga.)
1858—Pencil with attached eraser patented (Hyman L. Lipman of Philadelphia)
1867—US buys Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000 (2 cents per acre – Seward’s Folly)
1870—15th amendment to the US constitution is adopted, guarantees right to vote regardless of race.
1870—Texas becomes last confederate state readmitted to Union.
1870—Florida territorial government established.
1910—Mississippi Legislature founded The University of Southern Mississippi.
1940—2nd NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship: Indiana U beats Kansas 60-42.
1953—Albert Einstein announces revised unified field theory.
1965—Vietnam War: A car bomb explodes in front of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, killing 22 and wounding 183 others.
1970—“Applause” opens at Palace Theater NYC for 900 performances.
1981—President Ronald Reagan shot & wounded by John W. Hinckley III.
1981—43rd NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship: Indiana beats North Carolina 63-50.
1983—New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) begins trading in crude oil future.
1990—Jack Nicklaus makes his debut in the “Seniors” golf tournament.
1997—Steve Elkington wins Golf’s Players Championship.
2012—Mastercard and Visa announce a massive breach in security with over ten million compromised credit card numbers.
2012—American Mega Millions lottery hits a world record lottery amount of 640 million dollars.

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