new years resolutions
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By Erin Smith

Now that the New Year has officially begun, some of you are beginning to wonder how you will be able to keep those New Years Resolutions.

Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your resolutions and reach your goals in 2019.

1. Be realistic. Don’t set goals that are unattainable.

2. Make a plan. Break your goals down into small steps so you can see your progress.

3. Allow yourself a reasonable amount of time to attain your goals.

4. Make a list of reasons why you can and cannot attain your goals.

5. Talk about them. Talking about your goals with others helps to not only motivate you in achieving them, but also to keep you accountable.

6. Reward yourself as you achieve each step towards your goal.

7. Keep notes on your progress.

8. Ask friends and family for their support.

9. Choose your resolution carefully.

10. Keep your resolutions simple.

We hope these tips help you in reaching your goals for the new year.

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