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3 Things To Know Archive

Here are three things to know for Sunday, December 22:

1. Festival of Lights: Today-Monday, 6-10 p.m., Lu Mil Vineyard, 438 Suggs-Taylor Road, Elizabethtown. Country buffet 5-9 p.m. Information: 910-866-5819 or lumilvineyard.com/festival-of-lights.html.

2. L.I.F.T. Fitness Program: January 13, 10 a.m., Clarkton Public Library, 10413 North College Street, Clarkton. Twice-a-week, eight-week program through March 5 that helps improve strength and learn healthy food options. Limited to 12 participants. To register, contact Bladen Extension at 910-862-4591 or the library at 910-647-3661. Information: Jessie Jones at 910-862-4591 or jessie_jones@ncsu.edu.

3. 36th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade: January 20, 11 a.m., downtown Elizabethtown. Lineup starts at 9 a.m. at 805 West Broad Street. Theme is “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence 365.” Information/Entry: abullock1951@gmail.com or 3295 Peanut Plant Road, Elizabethtown, NC 28337. Include name, type of entry and contact information.


Sonny Jones
Author: Sonny Jones

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