Here are three things to know for December 29:
1. Harmony Hall Village General Meeting: Thursday, 6 p.m., Elizabethtown Town Hall, 805 West Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Update on restoration of main house, installion of new officers, review of 2024 and upcoming events. Public is invited. Information: harmonyhallwhiteoak@gmail.com.
2. Story Time: January 6, 3 p.m., Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.
3. 36th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade: January 20, 11 a.m., downtown Elizabethtown. Lineup starts at 9 a.m. at 805 West Broad Street. Theme is “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence 365.” Information/Entry: abullock1951@gmail.com or 3295 Peanut Plant Road, Elizabethtown, NC 28337. Include name, type of entry and contact information.