Here are three things to know for Thursday, January 16:
1. Bladen County Commissioners Meeting: Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Meeting in Commissioners room, lower level of courthouse. Information: 910-862-6702.
2. New Beginnings Book Club: January 23, Bridger Memorial Public Library, 313 South Main Street, Bladenboro. Information: Kim Wilson at 910-863-4586.
3. 4-H Teams Interest Meeting: January 30, 6:30 p.m., N.C. Cooperative Extension-Bladen County Center, 450 Smith Circle, Elizabethtown. Must be 8 years old by January 1 to participate. Register at go.ncsu.edu/bladen4hteammeeting. Information: toni_newby@ncsu.edu or 910-862-4591.