Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

‘Cryin’ time’ for many supporters of college football, for others ‘a day of rejoicing.’

Losers over the past few days include #1 Alabama, #2 Miami #9 Notre Dame (who had been higher), others???

Winners include #3 Oklahoma; #4 Clemson: #5 Wisconsin, and  #6 Auburn.

Some interesting match-ups for next week,
#2 Miami vs #4 Clemson
#3 Oklahoma vs #10 TCU
#5 Wisconsin vs #8 Ohio Stare
#6 Auburn vs #7 Georgia
#11 USF vs #20 Stanford
#13 UCF vs #17 Memphis

In addition to those mentioned,
NCSU defeated UNC and Duke over Wake Forest, and ECU was soundly ‘whipped’ by #17 Memphis, 70-13.

A reminder of the Christmas Parade in downtown E-town today, steps off at 3 PM.

Bladenboro Parade next Saturday morning!

Remember the less fortunate, so much need in our area.

Thieves on the move.  No conscience, they will steal all you have.  Be Aware.  First instinct is to say ‘shot them’, but that is wrong and two wrongs do not make a right.  Call police if you live in town and everyone else should call the Sheriff’s Dept.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go.

Time moving too slowly for you?  Schedule something you don’t want to do and it’ll speed right up.

The problem with teaching children to think for themselves is they might come to disagree with you.

The tea party my toddler invited me to feels more like a hostage situation.

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