Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Been thinking about belts, men’s belts.  Why are there no 33, 35, 37, 39 inch belts?  You know, odd length belts?  Not all of us need an even length. Oh well, either add a little more to my plump body, or go on another diet.  Neither sounds very appealing, anytime and less so as we enjoy the holiday season.

Spent most of yesterday with a bus load of friends to and from, and at Carolina Opry at Myrtle Beach.  Fun time, good entertainment, highly recommend their Christmas musical.  Bet the same could be said for the Alabama Theater.

My first remembrance of going to the beach as a youngster was Ocean Drive, now North Myrtle Beach, it was a big deal with family in mid to late September after housing rates dropped.  Fun then, fun now.  Then it was the beach and arcade, now less active entertainment.  Back in the 40s and 50s, the trip was ‘played up big’ as a reward for the family, after all the crops had been harvested.  And, possibly another move, such was the life of a share-cropper with a big family.

Ever seen a dipper made from a gourd?  It was a ‘must’ when you move from one old house to another in that era, used to ‘douse’ hot, treated water onto the walls and ceiling of the new (to you) and old residence to deal with ‘critters’  My, my, how things have changed. Some of us are ‘above our raising’, and I, for one, am enjoying.  Another lesson learned, never forget how it once was, be nice to your neighbors, old and new, never know when you might need them.  With that thought in mind, did you think about the less fortunate recently as you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Feast?  Did you put legs to those thoughts?????

What is a chinch? Webster defines as ‘a bed bug’.

Looking forward to the return of normal day in the life of a retired senior citizen.  Plan all you care to, but leave me out, I moved out of the ‘fast lane and parked’ for today to watch the traffic go by.

Medicare and Social Security have created the healthiest and most financially secure generation of senior citizens in American history.  Jim Walsh

Old age is not a matter for sorrow.  It is matter for thanks if we have left our work done behind us.  Thomas Carlyle

In youth, the days are short  and the years are long.  In old age, the years are short and days long.  Pope Paul VI

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