Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingDeadline for filing income is about three weeks away, for those who have not taken care of the task, could be the fastest three weeks of the year.

Looking forward to warmer weather, know berry growers are as well.

Think back to previous Easter seasons, always in church, mom and dad made sure of that and we attempted to provide same opportunity for our family.

Mom was very busy when we were really young, if we had a new shirt for Easter, she made it from feed bags. Could wear it, wash it for a while before the colorful pattern begin to fade. It was a different world we lived in. Not bad, different. Other moms in rural Bladen County were doing the same thing.

Happy Birthday to No. 2 son today….49 years old. Difficult to believe. Hope the day is good for ‘Big John’ and others celebrating today. Our small, immediate family celebrated the occasion late yesterday.

Stock market is about as unsettled as can be. Up big one day, down the next. So many depend on 401K, 457 or some other plan they have ‘put aside’ for their later years, if they are fortunate enough to have one, supplemented of course by Social Security, for their livelihood. Big swings on the stock market can be unsettlin’.

Guess I am showing my age, but, for the most part, life is good and I am thankful. Just thinking out loud and thankful for another Easter season and what it means to ‘believers’ around the world.

Live your life and forget your age.

Think happy thoughts.

Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever. Walt Disney

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