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Many families face the problem of disposing of prescription medication and non
prescription medication after the passing of a loved one. As our society ages more and more drugs are prescribed and used. When elderly family members or even younger family members die there is often a need to go through their personal belongings and dispose of unused medication. One safe way to do this is to bring the unwanted medication to the Sheriff’s Office for disposal.

“When we moved into our new detention center in August of 2017 we installed a
Medicine Drop Box in the lobby of our building,” said Sheriff James McVicker. “Since the installation of this public disposal system we have collected and safely disposed of over 421 pounds of prescription and non prescription medication.”

Sheriff McVicker said his office works in conjunction with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation’s Diversion and Environmental Crimes Unit’s “Operation Medicine Drop” to safely dispose of unwanted medications without harming the environment. The medication is incinerated at over 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit so it leaves no residue and gives off no vapors thus making this disposal method far better than burying in a landfill or flushing it down a toilet and into our aquifer system.

“We will accept over the counter medications, prescription medications, prescription patches, prescription ointments, and vitamins,” the Sheriff noted.

“We do ask that you not bring and place needles in the box. If you have used or unused needles please let us know and we will be glad to help dispose of them. Please do not place controlled substances in the drop box such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, etc.. Substances of this type will also need to be handed directly of an officer. We would deal with situations like that on a case by case basis. Our main goal is to get these drugs off the streets and
out of the hands of those who might abuse them, not to make arrests.”

The Sheriff’s office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a deputy available at the front desk to assist the public with dropping off medications or with any other problem they might need help with. The Sheriff’s Office is located at 299 Smith Circle, Elizabethtown.

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