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The Atlantic Hurricane Season is June 1-November 30. We want you to be weather-ready for the season.

Below is a checklist to help prepare for the hurricane season during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

– Listen for emergency information and alerts.

– Determine how best to protect yourself from high winds and flooding.

– Take refuge in a designated storm shelter or an interior room for high winds. If trapped in a building by flooding, go to the highest level of the building. Do not climb into a closed attic. You may become trapped by rising floodwater.

– Do not walk, swim, or drive through floodwaters. Turn-Around. Don’t Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

– Stay off bridges over fast-moving water.

– If you must go to a community or group shelter, remember to follow the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for protecting yourself and your family from COVID-19.

– Be prepared to take cleaning items with you like soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, or general household cleaning supplies to clean surfaces you may need to touch regularly.

In closing, another way to prepare for the hurricane season is to purchase a whole house generator and UVC lamps. Both the whole house generators and the UVC lamps are available at Cape Fear Heating & Cooling. If you would like to find out more, please contact at 910-862-2622.

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