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The Federal Emergency Management Agency approved the North Carolina Division of Employment Security’s application for $300 per beneficiary grant funding for the Lost Wages Assistance program (LWA) on Friday.

DES has been working to reprogram its benefits system and set up the accounting process to make payments to eligible North Carolinians as quickly as possible. Updates on a timeline for payments will be provided as more information is available.

The initial funding is for three weeks of LWA benefits. FEMA has indicated it will assess the availability of funds for additional weeks of benefits.

Eligible North Carolinians will receive LWA for the benefit weeks ending Aug. 1, Aug. 8 and Aug. 15.

The following eligibility requirements must be met for a person to receive the $300 in LWA:

• The claimant must be eligible for at least $100 per week in unemployment benefits from programs including state unemployment insurance, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Extended Benefits.

• The claimant must be unemployed or partially unemployed due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

DES will provide additional information about Lost Wages Assistance in North Carolina as it becomes available at des.nc.gov.

Read the application approval here.

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