Thoughts While Shaving
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The last official presidential debate of the 2020 campaign is over … and the winner is being debated … All that’s left is for those who haven’t voted is to cast their ballot … Kinda like a track meet … both cleared the last hurdle, and headed to the finish line…

Early voting continues today, this weekend and next week … General Election is Tuesday, November 3rd … If my math is correct, 11 days away.

Just hope there is a clear winner … older folks will remember the Truman-Dewey contest in 1948. President Harry Truman was running for re-election and NY Governor Thomas Dewey was his challenger … Some newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, reported Dewey the winner, huge headlines, but not so … When the smoke cleared President Truman had been re-elected.

Could it happen again? Rule nothing out … voters will have the final say…

Nearly 3 million North Carolina voters have cast their ballot … 1,911,620 One-Stop Early voters and 719,607 absentee ballots cast.

According to the NC State Board of Elections website … 7,561 Bladen County voters have voted, that is 33.18% of registered voters. Check the Bladen County Board of Elections website for Early Voting locations…

Weather forecast for today … Mostly sunny, with a high near 80 and a gentle northeast breeze around 5 mph. Low tonight in the low 60s and more of today’s type weather Saturday…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

“When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.”

“On the other side of the clouds is a bright blue day.”

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

robert g hester

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