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Caring for the environment

by Danna Martínez

Today is arbor day! And in its allusion, Bladen Online encourages people to become aware of environmental care and recognize the importance of trees in our community.

Throughout this month, we celebrated our wonderful planet, earth. This month also reminded us once again of the commitment we have to take care of our environment and the creatures that inhabit it.

Arbor Day was born as an initiative of J. Sterling Morton, who had a curious interest in trees. When Mr. Morton became Secretary of the Nebraska Territory, he shared the message of the meaning of trees. Later, on January 4, 1872, Mr. Morton proposed a massive plantation in Nebraska.

This festival was called “Arbor Day” and took place on April 10, 1872. However, “Arbor Day” was officially proclaimed until 1874. April 22 was the date chosen for its observance. Years later, the festival was recognized by other states. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, “By 1920, more than 45 states and territories were celebrating Arbor Day.”

Currently, “Arbor Day” is celebrated as a national holiday in the United States. Here are some of the reasons why we should care about trees:

  1. Trees improve soil and water conservation.
  2. Trees store carbon.
  3. Trees moderate the local climate.
  4. Trees provide shade.
  5. Trees regulate extreme temperatures.
  6. Trees increase wildlife habitat.
  7. Trees clean the air.
  8. Trees slow water runoff.
  9. Trees help buffer noise pollution.
  10. The trees are beautiful.

At the end of Earth Month, the Bladen Online team reminds the community of the importance of commitment to the environment.

It is essential to find out about the proposals and alternatives to take care of our space. And even more significant is to appropriate these ideas and communicate them.

The conservation of the earth begins with small acts.

The Bladen Online team encourages people today and every day to commit to the environment and its conservation. Therefore, the Bladen team distributed seeds around Elizabethtown in allusion to Arbor Day this April 30.

And just as Martin Luther King once said, “if I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I, still today, would plant a tree.”

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