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1773—1st schoolhouse west of Allegheny Mountains completed, Schoenbrunn, Ohio.

1786—1st newspaper published west of Alleghanies, Pittsburgh Gazette.

1844—NY Yacht Club forms.

1847—Cumberland School of Law founded in Lebanon, Tennessee, USA. At the end of 1847 only 15 law schools exists in the United States.

1864—American Civil War; Confederate spy Belle Boyd is arrested by Union troops and detained at the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, DC.

1899—1st motorcycle race, Manhattan Beach, NY.

1907—Sir Robert Baden-Powell forms Boy Scouts in England.

1914—1st transcontinental phone link made between NYC & SF.

1920—1st transcontinental airmail flight from NYC to SF.

1928—Walt Disney’s “Steamboat Willie” is released.

1932—Great Depression: in Washington, DC, US troops disperse the last of the “Bonus Army” of World War I veterans.

1938—Comic strip “Dennis the Menace,” 1st appears.

1952—1st nonstop transpacific flight by a jet.

1957—Jack Paar’s Tonight show premieres.

1969—Mariner 6 begins transmitting far-encounter photos of Mars.

1974—2nd impeachment vote against Nixon by House Judiciary Committee.

1987—Ben & Jerry’s & Jerry Garcia agree on a new flavor Cherry Garcia.

1990—Boston Red Sox set major league record with 12 doubles in a game.

1995—Carolina Panthers beat Jacksonville Jaguars in their 1st NFL exhibition game 20-14.

2005—Astronomers announce their discovery of Eris.

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