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The recent COVID-19 news conference was held on Thursday, July 29, at 3 p.m. During the conference, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and his task force encouraged citizens to get vaccinated. The previous mask mandate the Governor ordered ends this week; he said, “Where we are going to focus is getting more people vaccinated.” 


“Vaccines are our best tool to stop the rising COVID cases and hospitalizations we’re seeing in North Carolina,” said Governor Cooper. “We must all do our part to slow the spread by encouraging people in our community to go out and get a shot.”

To date, North Carolina has administered over 9.7 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, with 57 percent of the adult population fully vaccinated. Sixty percent of adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine, including 86 percent of North Carolinians 65 and over.

More than 94 percent of new cases in the state have occurred in people who are not fully vaccinated. Governor Cooper urges unvaccinated people to get their shot quickly.

Gov. Cooper and North Carolina Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen introduced new guidelines for state government employees. According to the task force, state government employees will be required to show proof of vaccination starting September 1. Unvaccinated employees will be required to wear masks and take a COVID-19 test at least once a week. 

Gov. Cooper also recommended that private business owners practice the same guidelines set forth for the government employees. Private businesses are asked to require vaccination proof from employees and require masks for unvaccinated employees. 

Also, Gov. Cooper and his task force announced today, July 29, the Toolkit guidance had been updated once again and that all students K through 12 grades and teachers should wear masks in schools, but the local school boards are the decision-makers on requiring masks for students and teachers.

Dr. Mandy Cohen reminded people who are unvaccinated to practice the three W’s. Wear a mask, wait 6 feet a part and wash your hands. 

Information on the state’s vaccine distribution can be found at myspot.nc.gov (English) or Vacunate.nc.gov (Spanish). Learn more about the Your Shot at $1 Million Summer Cash Drawing at covid19.ncdhhs.gov/summervaxcash. Find a nearby vaccine provider using NCDHHS’ online tool, Find a Vaccine Location. The state’s COVID-19 vaccine hotline number is 888-675-4567.

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