Bladen County
Spread the love

By Cara Beth Lewis 

The Bladen County Board of Commissioners meet on the first and third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. The next meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm on August 2nd and will be held in the Commissioners’ Room, located on the lower level of the Bladen County Courthouse, at 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown.

The meeting will begin with an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, as always, and reading of the minutes from recent meetings will follow. Individuals in attendance wishing to address the commissioners will then have an opportunity to do so. 

To start, Greg Elkins, Director of the Planning Department will propose the repealing and reviewing various chapters of the County Code of Ordinances. 

Ron Matthews, Coordinator, will discuss an upcoming 9/11 teen court event. Following this, Sheriff Jim McVicker will propose ideas regarding School Resource Officers and will provide an overview regarding a request to declare two vehicles surplus and authorize the sale of surplus vehicles to the Town of Rowland, NC.

Further proposals and discussions will be led by Vickie Smith, Director of the Department of Social Services on an agreement for consultation services, then Dr. Teresa (Terri) Duncan with a COVID-19 update and a Public Health Infrastructure Project, followed by David Howell, Director of Emergency Medical Services on a proposed subscription agreement.

Several other matters will be discussed including a Bladen County Public Library roof replacement project by Kip McClary, Director of General Services Department, Bladen County Water District, and Advisory Board appointments for consideration. 

Finally, Bladen County Manager Greg Martin will give a calendar review and discuss charitable grants. 

Prior to adjourning, individuals will have a second opportunity to address the Commissioners. 

The meeting may be virtually accessed by calling 571 317-3122, access code: 377-006-581.

Should you wish to access a more detailed version of the agenda, including attachments and supporting documentation, please click here.

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