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big check pics Well FargoWells Fargo has donated $1,000 to the Bladen County Hospital Foundation as a platinum sponsor for the Bladen County Hospital Foundation’s annual gala which will take place on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m. at Lu Mil Vineyard in Dublin. The event, “A Red Affair,” is a black-tie optional event, said spokeswoman Ashley Dowless.

“That means that guys can wear a suit and tie instead of a tuxedo,” said Dowless. She added that ladies can wear either an evening gown or a cocktail dress. She added there will be a red carpet photo booth available this year for folks who want that added bit of glamour to their evening.

Tickets for the event are now sold out, said Dowless. The proceeds raised by the event go to the foundation’s efforts in supporting the patients of Bladen County Hospital.

Dowless said folks can enjoy the sounds of the band North Tower which plays a variety of beach music, oldies, Top 40 and funk music. There will also be an elegant sit-down dinner provided by Giorgio’s Restaurant of Elizabethtown.

For those who would like to sponsor the event, Dowless said there is still time to get your sponsorship request in. Dowless said sponsorship levels are: Red Carpet Presenting Sponsor at $1,500; Platinum sponsor at $1,000; Gold Star Sponsor at $500; Silver Star Sponsor at $250. For more information regarding how you or your business can become a sponsor, contact Dowless at 910-862-1206.

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