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RP_Taiwan_1Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) and Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen met Tuesday in Taipei to discuss joint efforts to intercept terrorism financing, cyber security threats from China’s communist government, and opportunities to strengthen economic ties.

“We need a collaborative, global effort to cut off the many different avenues terrorists use to finance their acts of evil,” said Congressman Pittenger. “We are grateful for the understanding and support of Taiwan. In addition, a strong relationship with Taiwan is important as a countermeasure to Communist China’s increased aggressiveness, both militarily and through cyberespionage. Free and fair trade with Taiwan helps counter China’s dominance while providing new opportunities for American businesses.”

Congressman Pittenger serves as Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare and Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Committee Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing. In addition to President Tsai, Congressman Pittenger met with the Minister of Economic Affairs and Minister of Business and Technology.

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