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By: Bethany Stephens

The Board of Education met this past Monday for their monthly session where the began by recognizing the board for School Board Appreciation month. Several HOSA students from both East and West Bladen were recognized for winning at the District level HOSA Competition. Lily Nyugen, Willow Edge, Tyler Ezzell, Dawson Jessup, Kiara Correa, Lauren Yankasky, Brianna Nance, Hannah Malcolm, Jenna Floyd, Amber Long, and Sophia Singletary all brought home wins at the competition.

Taylor Wheeless and Hannah Wheeless of Bladen Lakes Primary and Clarkton School of Discovery both won prizes in a short story writing competition held by the Bladen County Public Library. Taylor was also recognized for placing in nine out of ten divisions at the NC State Fair Design Ages 9 and Under Competition. Jacob Barber, a student at East Bladen, also won first at the fair in the Arts and Photography Competition.

Olivia Barnes from East Bladen was recognized for winning second place in the regional Livestock Judging competition in conjunction with the FFA club. Mahogany Rozier, Amy Reaves, and Brandon Walden won in the Southeast Regional Competitive Events.  Seventeen students from West Bladen were recognized for earning their Microsoft Office Certifications. Attendance awards were given out next.  Booker T. Washington won in the Elementary School Division; East Arcadia School won in the Middle School Division, and West Bladen High School won in the High School Division.

Valerie Newton, Public Information Officer, informed the board of recent positive news coverage in the media during the past month.  Sharon Penny, Finance Director, presented a financial report for information purposes only.

The board discussed the financial logistics in offering more classes through North Carolina Virtual Public Schools and discussed needing a vetting process to make the classes available only to students who are prepared for the classes’ increased rigor.

Though the board didn’t discuss possible consolidations specifically, the board did discuss dates for possible forums, but it was mentioned that there may not be enough interest to continue with the plans.

The board approved the yearly financial audit done by Anderson, Smith, and Wyke. The audit showed some gains in the general fund and showed no errors or findings. Next year’s high school handbook was approved contingent on minor alterations. 

The revised calendar for the current year was approved to take into account inclement weather days taken during Hurricane Matthew.  The five days that had been added to the end of the year to make these up were excused recently by the General Assembly. The board also approved that Gary Grady, Board Attorney,  go ahead and address the former Extended Hope’s gym. Following the above, the board went into closed session to discuss legal issues and personnel.

Upon reconvening into open session, the board approved personnel lists as recommended by Antonia Beatty, Personnel Director. Cheryl White Smith was introduced as the district’s new EC Director and Lou Nelon as the district’s new Maintenance Director. Vinston Rozier, Board Chair, discussed setting committees soon now that new members were present and adjourned the meeting for the night.

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