Bladen Community College announced its 2023 graduates in Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) at a ceremony recently held on its campus.
Bladen Community College BLET graduates are: Lemar Baker, Ethan Hales, Morgan Johnson, Hannah Locklear, Cody Reinecker, Aaron Reyes, and Jasmine Washington.
Bladen Community College has graduated more than 250 BLET candidates, providing skilled law enforcement personnel to local, town, county, regional, state, and federal agencies.
The Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) is designed to give students essential skills required for entry-level employment as law enforcement officers with state, county, or municipal governments, or with private enterprises. The program utilizes state-commission-accredited topics and methods of instruction. General subjects include, but are not limited to, criminal, juvenile, civil, traffic, firearms, ABC laws, investigative, patrol, custody, court procedures, emergency response, ethics, and community relations.
Graduates must successfully complete all course requirements as mandated by the North Carolina and Training Standards Commission and/or the North Carolina Sheriff’s Education and Training Standards Commission, as well as Bladen Community College.
Special awards, and recognition were also presented during the ceremony by the college’s BLET Director Danny Priest. Hales earned the Highest-Class Academic Average and the Top Gun awards. Top Driving award honors went to Reyes. Baker garnered the Physical Fitness award.
During the ceremony, Priest thanked numerous local agencies (Bladen Co. Sheriff’s office, Elizabethtown Police Department, White Lake Police Department, Bladenboro Police Department, N.C. Highway Patrol, N.C. Wildlife Commission) for their continued support throughout the years. This support included hiring students, providing sponsorships, instructors, and serving on advisory boards.
Special guest speaker was Bladen County native and retired N.C. State Bureau of Investigation Agent Stuart Campbell. Campbell told graduates of his experience in law enforcement which included serving as guard for Governor Jim Hunt. He charged them to continue their training and seek further knowledge to remain prepared for a highly demanding career.
Bladen Community College Board Chair Dennis Troy also gave congratulatory remarks to the graduates and their guests. Bladen Community College President, Dr. Amanda Lee added in closing the ceremony, “Our graduates are now working in police and sheriff’s departments in our area. It is a rigorous program and requires commitment but yet yields very positive results for the individual and area law enforcement.”
For more information about the Basic Law Enforcement Training at Bladen Community College or to receive an application packet, contact the BCC Advising Center at 910-879-5584 or email bccadvising@bladencc.edu or contact Danny Priest, BLET Director, at 910-879-5656 or email dpriest@bladencc.edu or visit www.bladencc.edu.