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Residents of Bay Tree Lakes subdivision who travel Horsepen Road got a rude surprise when a culvert that passes under the roadway collapsed. Bay Tree Lakes Property Owners Association President Charles Atkinson estimated that repairs to the roadway could take as much as two to three months.

“It was a 40 plus year old culvert,” said Atkinson of the collapsed portion of the roadway.

He stressed that no one was injured when the collapse occurred though there are reports a car fell into the hole.

Atkinson said that the Property Owners Association does not own the roads within the subdivision. He said the roads are the responsibility of the subdivision’s developer Steve Jones.

Atkinson did say that an engineer is expected to inspect the collapse site and it has been requested the engineer inspect the other bridges and culverts in the development, to avoid another possible issue.

“There is a lot of technical work that has to be done,” said Atkinson.

He added that he is meeting Jones sometime on Friday at the site to discuss the matter further.

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