DUBLIN – Bladen Community College Cosmetology Instructor Mary Anne Murphy has been selected to receive the Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty recognition by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).
The Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty award recognizes a community college faculty member who demonstrates passion for the students and the classroom, has a willingness to support students inside and outside of the classroom, is inclined to participate in college committees, and goes above and beyond what is required to ensure that students are successful in their academic endeavors.
“I am committed to their success,” stated Murphy regarding her students, “not just in my class, but in their entire journey at BCC.”
Murphy chose to begin a career in education after serving almost ten years in the US Air Force. “One thing was clear,” she stated, “I was not ready to stop serving. I knew I had more to give.”
Murphy will receive the award at the AACC Annual Convention in Dallas, Texas. The association represents nearly 1,200 two-year, associate degree granting institutions and more than 12 million students. AACC promotes community colleges through five strategic action areas: recognition and advocacy for community colleges; student access, learning, and success; community college leadership development; economic and workforce development; and global and intercultural education.