
Pastor Tyler Jernigan and Pastor Chris Leek

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By Erin Smith

A benefit was held on Saturday night for the Rose Hill United Methodist Church which lost their sanctuary to a devastating fire on January 1, 2018. The event took place at the Imprint Church near Chinquapin.

Four worship teams performed during the event and a love offering was taken. The worship teams included The Imprint, The Mount, Liberty Center and Windsor United Methodist Church.

Pastor Tyler Jernigan of The Imprint Church welcomed the crowd in attendance and Pastor Chris Leek of Rose Hill United Methodist Church shared the story of the fire.

Pastor Leek said, “The fact you would care for us and do this is such a blessing.”

He explained Rose Hill United Methodist Church had lost both the sanctuary and education building in the inferno. Pastor Leek said they do not have plans yet but the church will rebuild on the same site.

“We lost the building, but we didn’t lose the church,” said Pastor Leek.

All of the fund raised were presented to Pastor Leek.

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