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Dear MST Family:

I am wrestling with this newness and unanswerable questions — just as you are, I’m sure. I can’t travel far, but I do take an afternoon walk, a time for my brain to simmer down and my eyes to wander.

Several rainy days ago, I was thinking about a quote that was referenced in this essay, which inspired me as I walked:

“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.” – Alice Walker

So on the same streets and sidewalks I’ve crisscrossed in my neighborhood for the last 13 years, I paid attention in a way I haven’t before. The amount of purple is astounding! Veering from one side of the street to the other to avoid other walkers, I found I could double the odds of finding more purple! What a sweet smelling silver lining.





Alice Walker inspired me. What or who inspires you?

I’ve started posting a short quote and photo from the trail on Facebook and Instagram daily. I invite you to share favorite trail or nature-inspired words and photos to be considered for our daily post.

Send to me at bbrown@mountainstoseatrail.org and I’ll start sharing them in the coming weeks. Make sure you have permission to send photos if they have other people in them and please include where the shot was taken. So interested to see what inspires you!

Until we’re all back on the trail again…

Betsy Brown, Outreach Manager
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