By: Erin Smith
A bill has been filed in the North Carolina Senate seeking to reinstate North Carolina’s Sales and Use Tax Holiday. The annual Sales Tax Holiday was repealed by the General Assembly in 2014.
The proposed bill seeks to reinstate North Carolina’s Sales Tax Holiday for school-related supplies in its entirety. The bill was proposed by Senators Joyce Waddell, Valerie Foushee, and Paul Lowe Jr, Terry Van Duyn, Jane W. Smith and Angela R. Bryant.
The Sales Tax Holiday, when in effect, applied to such items as:
** Clothing with a sales price of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or less per item.
** School supplies with a sales price of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or less per item.
** School instructional materials with a sales price of three hundred dollars ($300.00) or less per item.
** Computers with a sales price of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500.00) or less per item.
** Computer supplies with a sales price of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) or less per item.
** Sport or recreational equipment with a sales price of fifty dollars ($50.00) or less per item.
If adopted by the Senate, the bill will then go to the NC House for approval.