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By Blake Proctor

In what must be a first for the Bladen Board of Elections, the Board met electronically through the phone system from the comfort of their homes. Chairperson Louella Thompson welcomed the Board members and called this unique meeting to order; all members were present. She asked if there were any citizens in telephonic attendance, with the only response coming from this Bladen Online correspondent.

Board Executive Director Chris Williams stated that, in addition to the Director’s Report, only two general personnel matters were being presented for the Board’s consideration: The positions of fulltime Assistant Deputy Director and a part-time technical position had been advertised, each receiving two applications.

Following some discussion, it was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed that Sherita Stanley, already holding the Assistant Deputy Director title on an interim basis, be retained in that position on a permanent basis.

Conversely, it was considered that neither of the applicants for the tech position had the credentials required for the post. By consensus, it was agreed that Mr. Williams should contact Human Resources to re-advertise the position, with a May 1st deadline. The Board will then review applications and provide a decision at the May 12th meeting.

Director Williams presented for discussion, an update to add a Legal Fees line item in the Fiscal Year 2021 budget. Currently, all legal fees are paid from a central line item at the County level. For the last few years, however, different departments have been tasked with adding that line item to their own budget proposals. This upcoming year it’s the Board’s turn.

Following some general discussion on how to proceed, it was determined that Mr. Williams should contact County Attorney Allen Johnson to determine how many contact hours he provides the Elections Board on average each year. Computing that by his hourly rate would provide an approximate budget figure for next year.

A more thorny concern, according to Mr. Williams, is the issue of poll workers’ pay, especially that of the Chief Judges, as they have to work much longer hours than do other poll workers; additionally, they have total responsibility to ensure that everything is perfectly accurate at the precinct level. It was the Board’s consensus that it is also getting more and more difficult to retain the Chief Judges at their current rate of pay.

There was further discussion of the problem of adequate pay for Judges and Assistant Judges as well, especially in light of the uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus issue, and the distinct likelihood of having to handle thousands of absentee ballots this Fall.

The Board agreed that the pay for all Judges should be adjusted; further discussion ensued regarding the dilemma of  businesses shuttering for extended periods due to Covid-19 and the negative effects this will have on the overall county budget, not only for the rest of this year but for next year as well.

Nevertheless, the Board was determined to ensure the stability and continuance of their staff of trained poll workers. After much discussion, it was agreed that Chief Judges should be paid $250, Judges $200, and Assistant Judges $180. The Board adjourned at 5:45pm with what sounded over the phone to be distinctive feelings of accomplishment.

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