By: Erin Smith
The Bladen County Board of Commissioners named Scott D. Lenhart as the new director of the Bladen County Health and Human Services department in a special called meeting on Monday.
The DHHS agency consists of both the health department and department of Social Services.
Chairman Charles Ray Peterson told those in attendance following a brief closed session that the matter did not require an actual vote but rather the board’s consent.
Bladen County Manager Greg Martin said that the board serves as the administrative agency for the consolidated departments.
When asked why the county chose Lenhart, Martin said, “His experience in Stokes County.”
Lenhart has met the statutory requirements for the job that include a Masters degree in Public Health and Public Health administration.
His salary will be about $60,000 and his first day has not been announced.
Lenhart will replace Cris Harrelson whose last day was October 9.
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