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It is my privilege to serve the residents of our county through Bladen Community College where daily, we see success stories for students, their families, and our local economy. The college invests faculty, staff, facilities, resources, and time in the lives of both young and older adults. We are dedicated to providing the upmost academic experience for our students.


Consequently, we are excited about the possibilities that will come to us with the passage of the Connect NC Bond Initiative. On March 15, voters across North Carolina will have the opportunity to approve a bond that will bring over $2 billion to our state. The bond will provide funding for growth and improvements in our Community College System, the University of North Carolina System, public safety, state parks and attractions, local parks and infrastructure, and the National Guard.


For Bladen County, this means we will receive over $6.5 million for new construction and campus improvements for the college, and over $1 million for upgrades to our two state parks. These funds will come to the county with neither a tax increase nor a new tax.


This bond initiative will bring funding to every one of North Carolina’s 58 community colleges. For Bladen County, these funds will construct a new classroom building for studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Funding will also allow us to make structural upgrades and improve the campus parking lots, sidewalks, and lighting.


Because our need for a new building and campus upgrades will not go away in the future, the Connect NC Bond could save the county $6.5 million.


Other funding in this bond will also indirectly impact Bladen County. Our agricultural economy will be enhanced with an $85 million investment in the NC State University Plant Sciences Initiative and a $94 million commitment to a new collocated laboratory facility for the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. These visionary projects will train and educate students to become the next generation of agricultural innovators.


Every registered voter in Bladen County should become informed about the Connect NC Bond. At the college, we can provide extensive and factually correct information about this opportunity or about the college. You may also visit the state’s website for detailed resources at www.connect.nc.gov.


Your right to vote on the issues that affect our everyday life in Bladen County should be a valued and cherished opportunity. Plan to vote on March 15th.

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