
Dr. Amanda Lee, Bladen Community College President

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Bladen Community College is committed to being proactive in efforts to help prevent the spread of illness. The BCC leadership continues to monitor the coronavirus pandemic status and is meeting frequently to determine the best course of action.  We are relying on the expertise and updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, the Bladen County Health Department, and the N.C. Community College System.

Our students, faculty and staff are expected to return from spring break to campus on Monday, March 16th.  Bladen Community College will operate on a regular schedule including our on campus (face to face) classes. Additionally, we are taking the following preventative measures effective immediately:

  • All campus special events are cancelled or postponed until further notice
  • All nonessential travel for employees is suspended. Exceptions will be reviewed by the President on a case-by-case basis. It is strongly advised that virtual options be utilized when available.

We acknowledge that guidance from federal and state officials regarding the coronavirus is fluid and rapidly changing. Due to this evolving situation, we will be posting timely and official updates about coronavirus and changes on campus operations on our website.  We encourage you to visit www.bladencc.edu and social media to stay connected with Bladen Community College.

Bladen Community College is committed to ensuring that our students receive the education for which they have enrolled and that they make continued progress toward graduation. While there have been no cases reported in Bladen County at this time, the health and  safety of our campus is our highest priority. Faculty, please begin to prepare your coursework to migrate to an online format should the need arise.

Social distancing is the most effective means of slowing the spread of this virus.  If you are sick, suspect that you have been exposed, or in a high risk population, please stay home.  Students, faculty, staff, and the community should follow good respiratory etiquette and personal hygiene (wash your hands) to prevent the spread of any illnesses.

We are hopeful that with the warm weather and your vigilance that this will be a short event.  Please stay healthy.


Amanda K. Lee, PhD

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