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BCC Ambassadors left to right: Levy Pait, Ethan Baldwin, Quincy Campbell, and Tavon Reaves (Photo by Diane Vitale)
BCC Ambassadors left to right: Levy Pait, Ethan Baldwin, Quincy Campbell, and Tavon Reaves
(Photo by Diane Vitale)

DUBLIN – The Bladen Community College Foundation has selected four scholarship recipients to represent the college as Ambassadors. Ethan Baldwin of Fairmont, Quincy Campbell of Clarkton, Levy Pait of Bladenboro, and Tavon Reaves of Elizabethtown will serve the college as the 2015-2016 Ambassadors.

According to Counselor Crystal Dowd, the scholarships are largely provided by gifts to the college through the BCC Foundation. To apply for an Ambassador position, a student must have already completed twelve semester hours at BCC, have a minimum 2.5 grade point average, and be enrolled for the upcoming academic year carrying a minimum of twelve semester hours for each semester. The application process requires three letters of recommendation from BCC faculty or staff members and an interview with a selection committee.

While on campus, Ambassadors serve the college as official hosts, conducting tours and participating in student-centered activities as leaders and mentors. They represent the college off-campus as well, participating in community events and activities.

“Our selected Ambassadors represent the college on and off campus,” remarks Crystal Dowd. “They receive specialized training in public speaking, social etiquette, and leadership. It is an honor to be a Bladen Community College Ambassador.”

The recognized students exemplify these qualities.

Ethan Baldwin is a highly motivated student in the associate’s degree in Welding Technology curriculum. “I went online and looked at welding programs at different community colleges. I researched the schools and their accomplishments. After weighing the options, I knew BCC was the best opportunity for me,” states Baldwin.

Baldwin is a full-time student, a part-time employee, a member of the 427 Masonic Lodge, and drives from Fairmont to the BCC campus every day. His schedule is filled with activity. “I stay busy, but I know I am working toward a good future.”

Since beginning the welding program at BCC, Baldwin has been inspired by the program director, Edward Dent. “He always encourages me to do my best,” remarks Baldwin. “He tells me don’t settle. Keep striving to do better.”

Dent, director of the BCC welding program has accolades for Baldwin. “Ethan is very enthusiastic and energetic. He is always striving for greater accomplishments.”

“My favorite part of welding is gas tungsten arc welding. You are working with 100% argon and it is highly explosive.” cautions Baldwin. “I consider this to be my specialty.”

Quincy Campbell is enrolled in the BCC College Transfer Program, with plans to attend a four-year university in the fall of 2017. “I like helping people in their time of need,” states Campbell, “so I am pursuing a degree in psychology.”

With long-term plans to receive a master’s degree, Campbell’s career goal is to work as a licensed psychologist. “I want to help others overcome any challenges they face in life,” he remarks.

Campbell credits his mother, Tonya White, as his inspiration. “She taught my brother and me to pursue our dreams, respect other people, and be independent.”

Bladen Community College appeals to Campbell because “it’s a good way to get the college feeling and responsibility as an adult. It makes me want to get the job done.”

Ambassador Levy Pait does not yet have a career focus, but enrolled in Bladen Community College on the college transfer track with plans to “get my basic classes down.”

Pait, who was always homeschooled, is an accomplished pianist, martial artist, and history buff. “I enjoy reading history, especially the histories of the two World Wars.”

The BCC experience may help Pait decide what his educational goals will be.

According to BCC guidance counselor Crystal Dowd, “Our campus has smaller classes with personal and helpful faculty members. We are committed to helping students along their journey in life.” The BCC experience can provide inspiration for a student who has not yet found their passion, before they enter a larger four-year university.

Business Administration student Tavon Reaves, is pursuing an associate’s degree as an administrative assistant. “My grandmother encouraged me to consider BCC,” he remarks. “It was a while before I had the nerve to apply.”

Reaves has high praise for the BCC guidance team. “I never expected people to help me out like they did. Ms. Sally Valentiner really urged me to apply to be a college Ambassador. Anthony Thomas gave me a lot of support and encouragement too.”

The Ambassadors program showcases strong students. It gives young men and women an opportunity to positively influence and encourage others, while they experience their own personal growth.

Reaves describes the Ambassador experience as an example for success. “I feel like I have been put on a pedestal. I feel very blessed.”

To learn more about the Ambassadors program, visit the guidance office of Bladen Community College or contact Crystal Dowd at 910 879-5620. Contributions to the BCC Foundation support student scholarships. For information about contributing to the Foundation, call 910 879-5519.

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