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By: Bethany Stephens

Board Of EducationThe Board of Education met Monday night for their November session. Due to recent election results, Bonnell Walker, Ophelia Munn-Goins, and Wilbur Smith were recognized for their service on the board as it was their last meeting until their replacements are sworn in. Their fellow members thanked them for their service and for the time that they have gotten to know and be with them. Chris Clark, Glenn McKoy, and Berry Lewis will be sworn in at next month’s meeting when the new Board Chair and Vice Chair will be chosen.

Two students from Clarkton School of Discovery were recognized for winning prizes at the state-wide NC State Fair Design Competition.  Hannah Wheeless placed in 9 out of I0 divisions at the fair,  and Nick Norris won second place in the essay division.

Attendance awards were presented for the month of October. East Arcadia School won in the Elementary School Division while Clarkton School of Discovery won in the Middle School Division, and East Bladen High School won in the High School Division.

Sharon Penny, Finance Director, presented an October financial report for information purposes only, and the board discussed FEMA funds applications due to the effects from Hurricane Matthew. On a related note, as of now, the government has not forgiven the many make up days due to the storm, but they may soon. As of now, all missed days have to be made up by April 28.

The board received information on a new method the schools are using to create their yearly School Improvement Plans, and Fall Custom Policy Updates were postponed until next month’s meeting. A one time state legislated merit based bonus for all non-certified personnel, fundraiser requests, and Beta Club overnight field trip requests were all approved. Following the above, the board proceeded to go into closed session to discuss legal issues and personnel.

Upon reconvening open session, the board approved personnel recommendations as recommended by Antonia Beatty, Personnel Director.  The Superintendent and board briefly discussed make up times due to Hurricane Matthew and acreage behind West Bladen.  Ophelia Munn-Goins, board member, voiced concerns about TV’s having been possibly purchased out of instructional supply money, but Robert Taylor, Superintendent, explained that the only way that could be done was if their was proof that they had been purchased for instructional reasons.

Lastly, Wilbur Smith, current Board Chair, addressed the board and community thanking them for his time on the board and urged them to continue to focus on quality to encourage Bladen’s students to enroll in its schools over other options such as charter, private, and home schools. Phyllis Miller, a member of the Clarkton community, asked the board why there were 5 large TV’s screens installed in the board room over other places. The board never answered why specfically, but Taylor did say that the room is used for staff development when the board meetings are not taking place.

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