Spread the love

By Erin Smith

The Bladen County Board of Education will meet on Monday night at 6:30 p.m. at the Board of Education located on US 701 South, Elizabethtown. 

The board will be asked to approve the agenda and approval of minutes of the March 12th meeting and the April 30th Special Called Meeting. The consent agenda will include fundraisers and overnight field trip requests.  


Spotlights and Recognitions will include:

*Sampson-Bladen Oil/Bladen County Schools Spelling Bee winners.

*Junior and Senior Beta Club State Winners

*Bladen Soil and Water conservation Winner

*NC DOT State Bridge Building Winner

*SkillsUSA State Winner

*Teacher and Principal of the Year

*Monthly attendace banners

Items for information will include:

*The April financial summary presented by Sharon Penny.

*The Maintenance Update presented by Lou Nelon

*The Early College Update presented by Rodney Smith

*The Spring CTE Newsletter presented by Willa Dean Williams

*The Go Guardian presented by Jason Atkinson

*The school calendar presented by Dr. Robert Taylor.

*Opioid Updates presented by Dr. Taylor.


Action items will consist of:

*Bladen Community College Advisory Board Nomination.

*Fall Custom Policy Updates

*CTE Local Plan

*EC Contracts

*Budget Amendments

A closed session is planned to discus certified and classified personnel, student transfers and legal issues. Dr. Taylor will present the Superintendent’s Report.


Author: bladenonline

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