The Bladen County Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session tonight (Tuesday, April 18) at 6:30 p.m. due to the Easter holiday. After approving several items in the consent agenda, the board is expected to recognize several employees for their years of service to the county.
The consent agenda, which is a listing of items to be approved as a group by the board, include: the proposed agenda; Minutes of March 30, 2017 Special Meeting; Minutes of April 3, 2017 Regular Meeting; Minutes of April 5, 2017 Special Meeting; Budget Amendments; County Attorney Invoices in the amount of $8,350; Tax Releases and Refunds No. 3-17; Compensation Agreement with Bladen’s Bloomin’/Agri-Industrial, Inc. and Soil & Water Conservation Grant Agreement with NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Soil & Water Conservation Regarding a Stream Debris Removal Project.
The board is scheduled to hear concerns regarding Mental Health from Charlotte Smith and Bladen County Emergency Management Director Bradley Kinlaw is scheduled to present an Emergency Services fee schedule and an agreement between the US Marine Corps Installations East and the Elizabethtown Fire Department.
The board will also hear a financial update from Finance Director Lisa Coleman and Department of Social Services Director Vickie Smith will present a memorandum of understanding with Child Caring Inc and East Coast Migrant Headstart.
Bladen County Sheriff Jim McVicker is scheduled to appear to discuss a request for more detention center employees and deputies.
Bladen County Economic Development Director Chuck Heustess is scheduled to make a presentation regarding updated by laws for the Bladen County Economic Development Commission Board and the Commissioners will consider appointments to the Bladenboro Fire District Board and the Keep Bladen Beautiful board.
Bladen County Manager Greg Martin is scheduled to present the calendar update and an update to the Voluntary Shared Leave policy. Martin will also discuss an amendment to the Courthouse Security policy.
The board is scheduled to conduct a closed session to discuss matters of economic development and personnel.