The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office reported an increase in domestic violence calls since North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s Stay at Home order in March. Along with domestic violence comes child abuse.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Vickie K. Smith, Director of Bladen County Department of Social Services, Jill Sampson, Social Work Program Manager, and Shelia Berkeley, Child Protect Services Manager spoke to BladenOnline.com about preventing child abuse and what their department is doing to raise awareness of child abuse prevention.
Watch the interview now on our YouTube channel:
Prevent child abuse. Be patient. Keep children busy with constructive activities. Exercise to reduce stress. Seek help when it is needed.
We found some support and more to help prevent abuse. Read more at: https://bladencounty.org/coronavirus-support-for-parents-caregivers-during-covid-19-outbreak/
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