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The 2014-2015 Fiscal Year ends June 30, 2015. The Bladen County financial picture indicates Revenues and Expenditures are near budgeted numbers.

Revenues are up slightly after 10 months of this fiscal year.

Ad Valorem Property Taxes for the current year indicated $19,695,494 have been collected compared with $19,609,837 a year ago. The budgeted amount for the current fiscal year is $19,561,137 which means over 100% has been collected. That would include some delinquent taxes from previous years.

66.35% of the $4,050,000 sales taxes budgeted for the current year have been received. The state collects sales tax and forwards to the county. $2,687,308 have been collected as of April 30, 2015. A year ago, the amount received was $2,546,168.

Other sources are in-line with the past year and the budgeted totals with one exception. Restricted Intergovernmental dollars are down slightly, but that is state and federal money that is for a specific purpose, much of it related to human service programs and services.

Overall 80.90% of budgeted revenues have been collected or received from local, state and federal sources.

Expenditures are ahead when compared with last year. However, the largest increases are Restricted Intergovernmental dollars for education and Human Services. Locally controlled expenditures are in line with the budget. As of April 30, 2015, 81.89% of budgeted items have been spent.

The County has $21,038,239 in their cash and investments, however some of those funds are encumbered and include separate funds.

Some of those funds include DSS, Revaluation, Solid Waste, Water and Jail Construction.

Commissioners continue to hold Equalization & Review meetings related to the current revaluation. They also continue to schedule budget meetings. They are related. The board will need to know the total value of all property in the county in order to set a tax rate for the coming year. Early in the reval process, that number appeared to be slightly above $2 billion.

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