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By Cara Beth Lewis 

Bladen County Schools adopted a new program this year, in place of Google Classroom. The new program used by students and teachers is Canvas. According to Instructure Community, “Canvas LMS (Learning Management System) is an open and reliable web-based software that allows institutions to manage digital learning, educators to create and present online learning materials and assess student learning, and students to engage in courses and receive feedback about skill development and learning achievement.”

Bladen Online asked Bladen County Schools a series of questions about this program. Below are the questions asked, and the responses we received: 

  • Why did BCS make the switch to Canvas? 

Answer: “Canvas was adopted as the new learning management system (LMS) beginning with the 2021-2022 school year. The state provided funds to purchase Canvas during the 2020-2021 school year. The fall semester of 2020 was an opportunity to pilot Canvas with some teachers and classes. Full training began for all teachers in January 2021 and continued into the summer. It is the plan for all school districts to transition to Canvas across the state. Canvas is a robust learning management system that provides many tools to teachers and students. It also meets compliance requirements and is integrated into the Powerschool and NCEdCloud.”


  • Has Canvas been successful so far for both students and teachers? 

Answer: “The initial training for teachers was implemented in Spring of 2021 with additional one-on-one training made available during the summer and continually currently this school year. As with any program, it has growing pains. Some teachers have embraced Canvas and are doing a phenomenal job while others are continually working on Canvas. BCS is proud of all teachers for embracing this new learning system and working to help students access the system for their learning. Our digital learning specialists continue to provide training and one-on-one assistance.”


  • Have there been issues with students and teachers navigating this new program? 

Answer: “As with the rollout of any new program, there have been issues. As these issues arise and we are notified, we work to address/remedy these concerns. BCS has three Digital Learning Specialists that are working to address the concerns of the teachers and students by providing small group, one-on-one training as requested, and scheduled training throughout the year.” 


  • What exactly is Canvas used for in Bladen County schools? 

Answer: “Canvas is used as a part of the face-to-face classroom, as well as for online instructional elements. It is designed to allow submission of work which is beneficial if a student is quarantined and/or a classroom or school has to close then the student will be able to continue their learning with their teacher. Canvas links directly with PowerSchool, which allows teachers to upload grades directly without having to manually add them as they currently have to do with Google Classroom. In addition, teachers will not have to manually add their students to Canvas. They will be automatically rostered in the correct classes and sections from PowerSchool into Canvas. Canvas is self-contained, allowing teachers to post all of their lesson resources and materials in one place for easy access. This prevents students from having to open multiple links in different places and keep up with multiple logins. Canvas is customizable and flexible to allow templates to be built for helping teachers have a framework for building classes. There are many interactive components in Canvas, which allows the teachers to engage in discussions and conferences using the platform. Classes can be exported and copied over into other sections or across academic years. This allows the teacher to use their previous resources in another section without manually having to upload each individual item. There is a content library of instructional resources already pre-built and available for teachers to use as part of Canvas. The Google Apps for Education accounts that the district already has for teachers and students will integrate seamlessly into Canvas. Parents can have direct access to their child’s classes through the Canvas Parent App. Canvas is easily accessible and compatible with all device types (laptop, desktop, Chromebook, iPad, phone, tablet, etc.) As a part of Canvas, teachers have a support network to connect with other teachers throughout NC and the country to share ideas, instruction activities, and to learn from each other.”


  • Is Canvas a long-term plan for BCS? 

Answer: “Canvas is the official LMS for the district. It is the intent that the program will be in place to support instruction. Any changes regarding the use of Canvas, as the official LMS, would be guided by NC DPI.” 

Read Bladen Online’s previous article with information from Bladen County Schools here: 


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