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By: Cheryl Thurston

ELIZABETHTOWN — Bladen County Sheriff, James A. McVicker held an awards and recognition ceremony on Friday, August 7, at 3:00 PM, to honor a retiree, welcome new hires, and promote 6 seasoned officers.

Barry Pait gave the invocation with a sincere prayer for a blessing on the entire department, the county, and the community. Captain Jeff Bridgers recognized Ray Marlowe and Tommy Lindsay, both of whom are leaving the Sheriff’s Department to pursue other options. “It’s our loss,” said McVicker.

Special mention was made concerning the new hires for the following positions: John Brock – Jailor; Christian Callahan – Telecommunicator; Reese Daniels, and James Dove are new Deputies; Robert Ivy will return as a part time Deputy; Rodney Warwick will be a part time Investigator; and Gary Turlington will be a part time Training Instructor.

Capt. Bridgers asked Sergent Warren Holder to step forward, then he handed him a plaque and shook his hand while extolling the man’s virtues and illustrating the ways the community had benefited from Holder’s 11+ years with the department.  Bridgers then proceeded to congratulate Wanda Monroe and Channing Willoughby on becoming Corporal, he commended Leon Graham and Cley Carroll on their new positions as Sergent, and lastly, he expressed his delight and confidence in Chris Brisson and Greg Bullard on their accomplishment of achieving the rank of Investigator.

McVicker thanked his office staff, for all their efforts in the daily routine of keeping things on an even keel, his officers, for their commitment and dedication, and all those receiving promotions for their ambitions and hard work. “There is a rigorous process that each one of these individuals had to go through to gain these promotions,” McVicker told the audience, “There are no “Good Ole Boy” promotions in our department, you don’t get promoted here unless you earn it.”

McVicker also thanked those friends and family members who attended the ceremony.  “I appreciate you being here,” said McVicker, “and I’m proud of them.”

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