Tuesday night at the Bladen County Board of County Commissioners’ meeting, recognizing employees’ years of service was on the agenda. The COVID-19 Pandemic safety mandates limit the number of people allowed to attend.
Therefore, many were not in attendance. However, Mr. Greg Martin, County Manager for Bladen County, recognized employees who have worked with the county for five years or more.
The following employees were recognized at the commissioner’s meeting. They are listed below with their name, department, and service years.
George Sparks, Emergency Management Services, five years
Regina McIntyre, Housekeeping, five years
Rodney Warwick, Sheriff’s Office, five years
Melanie Duncan, Communications, ten year
Tina Clark, Finance, ten years
Matt Hester, Sheriff’s Office, ten years
Anna Johnson, Health Department, 20 years
Deborah Storms, Department of Social Services, 25 years
Elizabeth Hines, Library, 25 years
Kenneth Hester, Water District, 25 years
View the employees being recognized by Mr. Martin in the video below: