If you are a native of Bladen County you understand what these “sayings” mean. If you come to Bladen County, let’s say from north of Richmond, you might be a bit confused by what you hear in “The Mother County.”
“She’s pitching a hissy fit.”…means she is really teed off about something.
“Worthless as gum on a boot heel”…means she/he ain’t worth nothing.
“Y’all”…means a group of one, two or more people.
“I’m so poor I can’t afford to pay attention”…means I am broke.
“Bless your heart”…means you can get over what is worrying you.
“Grinnin’ like a possum eating a sweet tater”…means you have a big grin.
“Who licked the red off your candy”…means you are unhappy
“He hasn’t got the brains God gave a goat”…means he is not too smart.
“I was born at night…but not last night”…means I’m not as dumb as you think I am,
“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit…????????????????????????????
The next time you have a conversation with someone from out of Bladen County and they look at you funny like, just remember outsiders ain’t as smart as us Bladen County folks.