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BladenOnline.com HitsA quick check on biggest days statistically for BladenOnline….Most revolve around election time, with the one exception I noted earlier..the death of Stanley Richardson and his mom
March 10, 2010  (Richardson death)
Hits           Pages      Visits
435,369     7,817        3,010
March 11, 2010
Hits           Pages      Visits
377,750     6,599        2,434
November 2, 2010       (Billy Ward vs Prentis Benston  Sheriff’s race)
Hits          Pages       Visits
421,700    10,197       3,820
November 4, 2014      (Jim McVicker vs Prentis Benston  Sheriff’s race)
Hits          Pages       Visits
448,690    15,188       3,996   (think we had over 4,000 a couple of times)
Best Month Ever
January 2014  (political filing time)
Hits           Pages        Visits
6,905,540  283,267      104,610
We had over 6 million hits in a month 4 times, all related to elections…

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