Spread the love

By Bethany Stephens

The Board of Education met this Monday for their May meeting via a virtual Zoom meeting. After approving minutes from last month’s meeting, the board discussed an email that they received from Jennifer Potter, a community member, which proposed a graduation plan consisting of a drive-thru ceremony for each high school. The ceremony would be kicked off with a senior parade that would consist of the senior and an accompanying guest and would limit each student to one car of family and friends. Social distancing protocols would be followed, and each senior’s family and friends would only exit their vehicle when their student would be graduating or if someone in their vehicle would be making a speech. Each senior would also release a butterfly from their respective cars after the ceremony and speeches, and she hoped to be able to follow this with a professional fly over and fireworks display.

Graduation logistics were discussed more towards the end of the meeting. As of now, the board wants to review the parents’ ideas and discuss recommendations with the county’s health director before settling on something definitive. The board also wants to let parents and students know as soon as possible to ease the students’ and families’ possible anxieties.

Dr. Taylor

After speaking with the high school principals and law enforcement and hearing their recommendations, Taylor explained that virtual drive-thru graduation is still planned, but other ideas are being considered. After the virtual drive-thru plan was shared last week, several people asked that a drive-thru graduation similar to what Jennifer Potter suggested be considered instead. Taylor spoke with Potter and told her he needs to discuss it with the principals and law enforcement to consider possible adjustments. Any adjustments made would depend on permits and other legal and health concerns. Regardless of how the graduation is carried out, June 11th and 12th will be the graduation dates. Alan West, Board Member, was concerned with the length of the graduation (it is currently from 8 am to 4 pm). Taylor explained that students wouldn’t be there for the entire graduation. Each senior would have a designated time to celebrate their own graduation and would then be free to leave. Marshals, most like won’t be directing traffic due to health concerns. West was open to everyone’s suggestions, but he was concerned about the actual graduation taking as long as it is currently proposed due to traffic congestion and anxiety for students and their families who are later in the line to graduate (who inadvertently wouldn’t be able to leave easily).

Sharon Penny, Finance Director, gave an informational finance report for the month of April. Dr. Robert Taylor, the Superintendent, gave an update concerning COVID-19 concerns. Student meals have been being prepared and delivered to roughly 5000 students per day. The National Guard has been helping prepare and deliver the meals and will continue helping until May 18th. After the 18th, the county’s cafeteria workers will hopefully be able to come back to work to help continue this service. Both the general assembly and the county commissioners are still considering logistics concerning the next school year’s budgets. The board is meeting with all middle and elementary school principals next week in order to let them know the minimum number of allotments allowed to fill positions so that they can better prepare to fill vacancies over the summer.

A consent agenda was approved, which included EC Contracts, AIG Guidelines, and a Remote Learning Device Procurement Plan. Since voted for under a consent agenda, they were not discussed in depth at the meeting. Bids for West Bladen’s roofing repairs were considered and approved, and the low bid for each high school was about $98,000. Additionally, bids to repair chillers were approved and will be paid for via lottery funds.


Jason Atkinson, Technology Director, proposed an updated school calendar for next year that was approved. The start and end dates did not change, but other slight adjustments to fulfill legislation requirements were made to the calendar. The Early College’s start and end date did change by a few days, but other adjustments to the calendars are possible between now and then. Spring Custom Policy Updates were tabled to give everyone more time to review them. Following the above, the board proceeded to go into closed session to discuss personnel, student reassignments, and legal matters. Upon reconvening open session, the board approved personnel action items as recommended by Antonia Beatty, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Administration, and discussed graduation before adjourning.

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