By: Erin Smith
Cape Fear Valley Health has been named at the top of the list for North Carolina in the 2016 edition Best Hospitals by US News and World Report magazine.
The hospital system was recognized by US News and World Report Best Hospitals list as being on honor roll for stroke, a gold rating for meeting Get with the Guidelines for stroke, a gold rating for meeting mission Lifeline for heart attack, a silver rating in the Target: heart failure honor roll, and a gold rating for heart failure.
According to US News and World Report, 2,700 plus hospitals are participating in Get with the Guidelines. The Get with the Guidelines programs are designed to improve patient outcomes with Stroke and Heart Attack.
CFV was also recognized as a Top Performer by the Joint Commission and the hospital was named as one of the Best Places to Work in 2015 in the Fayetteville Observer’s Reader’s Choice Awards. Also, CFV received an A in the 2015 Leapfrog Hospital Survey. The survey uses national performance measures to gauge effectiveness in such areas as hospital safety, quality and efficiency.
“I would encourage everyone to come visit our facility and see what is happening,” said Bladen County Commissioners Chairman Charles Ray Peterson.
He noted that since Cape Fear Valley has taken over the ownership of the hospital, things have been improving. Peterson noted that CFV has been the recipient of numerous accolades and awards and that is being noticed at BCH as well.
“What Cape Fear Valley has done for Bladen County and what Cape Fear Valley continues to do is greatly appreciated,” said Peterson.
He added that everyone is encouraged to visit the hospital and learn about all of the exciting things taking place.
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