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By Cara Beth Lewis 

When we think of fall, it’s safe to say that one of the first things that comes to mind has something to do with a pumpkin; Whether it be pumpkin pie, a pumpkin spice latte, a jack-o-lantern, a pumpkin patch, or any of the other dozens of pumpkin options. On October 26th, it’s all about pumpkins for National Pumpkin Day.

Did you know that pumpkins are considered squash? The oldest evidence of the fruit dates way back to somewhere between 7000 and 5500 BC in Mexico. The word “pumpkin” originates from the Greek word “pepon,” meaning “large melon.” So basically, pumpkins are just a ‘large-melon-squash’!

Illinois produces the largest amount of pumpkins in the country, while the United States as a whole produces 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkins annually.

Not only are pumpkins healthy and nutrient-packed for humans, but they can also be used as a dietary supplement for dogs and cats. Pumpkins are also great for poultry, and they are packed with Vitamin C, which builds the immune system. From Autumn decor to health, pumpkins serve a wide variety of roles.

Making pumpkin the star ingredient of a delicious recipe is a great way to celebrate National Pumpkin Day. Check out the pumpkin recipes listed below:

No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake – Bladen Online

Pumpkin Monkey Bread – Food Network

Tortellini with Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce – Food Network

Another great way to celebrate is to visit a local pumpkin patch with your family. There are several pumpkin patches here in Bladen County where you can pick your perfect pumpkin.

Below is an interesting pumpkin Q&A from National Day Calendar:

Q. Who carved the first jack-o-lantern?

A. The tradition of carving vegetables for Halloween has its beginning in Ireland. There, they carved turnips to ward off the devil and evil spirits during the ancient festival of Samhain, also during Halloween. Irish who immigrated to the Americas brought the tradition with them and found the pumpkin suitable for carving. However, carving pumpkins in Ireland has become a more modern practice.

Happy Fall and Happy National Pumpkin Day from the Bladen Online team!

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