By: Erin Smith
A chase of a stolen vehicle that was initiated in Columbus County Deputies ended in Bladen County near Allen Priest Road about five miles past East Bladen High School on Tuesday afternoon.
According to NC Highway Patrol First Sgt. M. Hardee, the vehicle was stolen from Columbus County and the vehicle was spotted Tuesday afternoon in the vicinity of Whiteville High School. Columbus County law enforcement officials initiated the chase which traveled into Bladen County but NC Highway Patrol took over the chase on NC 87. Speeds during the chase reached over 100 miles per hour, said First Sgt. Hardee.
Sgt. D. Hilburn said the vehicle traveled from Columbus County to US 701 business to Mercer Mill Road and turned onto NC 87 East and was stopped near Allen Priest Road.
First Sgt. Hardee said that law enforcement officers performed a rolling roadblock and the vehicle ran into the back of a Highway Patrol cruiser and then ran off the roadway to the right and struck a ditch.
The driver of the vehicle, Ivey Dew of Boardman Road in Evergreen, was arrested and charged with DWI, failure to stop for blue lights and siren, felony speeding to elude arrest, driving 105 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone, reckless driving, damage to state property.
First Sgt. Hardee said Dew has an arrest warrant against her from Columbus County on the stolen vehicle and he expects there will also be more charges from Columbus County as well.
First Sgt. Hardee also said there was a male passenger in the vehicle but he was not charged in the incident.
Also assisting in the chase were the Bladen County Sheriff’s Office and Columbus County Sheriff’s Office. No injuries were reported.