(L-R) Vickie Smith, Mildred Beatty, Peterson

(L-R) Vickie Smith, Mildred Beatty, Peterson

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(L-R) Vickie Smith, Mildred Beatty, Peterson
(L-R) Vickie Smith, Mildred Beatty, Peterson
(L-R)  Greg Martin, Robin Hewitt, Charles Ray Peterson
(L-R) Greg Martin, Robin Hewitt, Charles Ray Peterson

Bladen County Commissioners recognized several employees for years of service at their regular board meeting Tuesday.

Among those attending the meeting were:
Robin Hewett      Computer Operations   5 years
Mildred Beatty    DSS                          30 years
(L-R) Vickie Smith, Michelle Wright, Peterson
(L-R) Vickie Smith, Michelle Wright, Peterson
(L-R)  Chris Harrelson, Laura Strickland, Peterson
(L-R) Chris Harrelson, Laura Strickland, Peterson

Michelle Wright   DSS                         10 years

Laura Strickland  Health Dept.              15 years
Bonnie Drew       Health Dept.              20 years
Joseph (JL) Lennon  Solid  Waste        10 years
(L-R)   Chris Harrelson, Bonnie Drew, Peterson
(L-R) Chris Harrelson, Bonnie Drew, Peterson
(L-R) Robert Mazur, Joseph (JL) Lennon, Peterson
(L-R) Robert Mazur, Joseph (JL) Lennon, Peterson

Others honored but unable to attend:

Vertis McKoy     BARTS                     10 years
Delois Lucy        Division on Aging        5 years
Yvonne Norris     DSS                          5 years
Dena Patrick      DSS                         10 years
Danette Sessoms DSS                       10 years
Bradley Kinlaw   Emergency Services    5 years
Amanda Butler   Health Dept               10 years
Romall Watson  Health Dept               10 years
Glorietta Barnes Revenue                    10 years
Robert Bryant    Sheriff                         5 years
Charles Wilkins Sheriff                        10 years
Author: bladenonline

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