
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

CHARLOTTE – After attending the first meeting of President Trump’s opioid crisis commission, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper attempted to score political points by claiming Republican efforts to reform America’s broken healthcare system would exacerbate the opioid crisis.

“Over the past year, I have worked in bipartisan fashion to help pass 18 bills addressing the opioid epidemic, including new tools for law enforcement, a pilot program to help babies born with complications, and $1 billion in state grants.  78 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose, and yet Governor Cooper wants to use their tragedy to try and score political points.

“The Governor’s tactic is parallel to his incorrect facts about Hurricane Matthew disaster relief funding, where he knowingly did not report $334 million in funding appropriated in late 2016, and more than $750 million in additional funding from FEMA, HUD, and other federal agencies.”

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