
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

CHARLOTTE – This Memorial Day weekend, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) is paying respects to the brave Americans who died to defend our freedom, and expressing gratitude to the next generation of American heroes.

On Wednesday, Congressman Pittenger addressed the U.S. House of Representatives:

“This weekend, America pauses to honor the patriotic men and women who sacrificed their lives in support of our liberty.  For more than 11,000 families in North Carolina, Memorial Day is very real.  Their son or daughter or spouse or parent is among the 11,000 North Carolinians who died during World War Two, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

“Remembering the price of freedom makes me all the more grateful for the 17 students from my district who this year received appointments to West Point, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Naval Academy.  These students, many of them at or near the top of their class, are volunteering to dedicate at least nine years to defend America.  They know the potential risks and the ultimate sacrifice required by many.”

Today, Congressman Pittenger will host a special luncheon for the local students who received U.S. Service Academy appointments this year.  Over the weekend, he will attend several Memorial Day events and observances in the community.

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