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By Charlotte Smith

The Town of Elizabethtown Manager, Eddie Madden, would like to remind everyone the curfew for Elizabethtown has been lifted. Many have wondered why the town lifted the curfew when the county is maintaining their curfew daily.

Madden answered that question by saying, “We lifted the curfew in hopes that our businesses in town will stay open longer to meet the needs of citizens and out of town first responders needing supplies and hot meals.”

“We have gone door to door asking businesses to stay open longer,” Madden explained. The grocery stores and restaurants in Elizabethtown have been open throughout the week, but many have closed early.

The curfew being lifted on Wednesday of this week will hopefully encourage the local businesses to stay open as much as they possibly can to help during this time of disaster recovery, according to Madden.

The curfew for the Town of White Lake has also been lifted.

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