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Leonard Da Vinci and Escher at North Carolina Musem of Art 2

The Worlds of M.C. Escher Nature, Science, and Imagination Plus Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex Leicester Exhibition was sold out this past Saturday at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh.

The exhibit showcases part of Bill Gates private collection of Da Vinci’s journal and works by M.C. Escher. The museum started the event in October. The opportunity to see these rare pieces of art and history will run through January 17th. 

Leonard Da Vinci and Escher at North Carolina Musem of Art 3Da Vinci was a genius on so many different levels. He was not only a talented artist but he was an inventor, and a scientist thinking outside the world we live in. The Codex Leicester is a 500-year old notebook pined by Da Vinci was written in “mirror writing”, which means he wrote it right to left.

According to the museum, the 72 page notebook was purchased and named after the Earl of Leicester. The manuscript has notes and drawings from the genius’ mind.

The museum also has over 130 woodcuts, lithographs, wood engravings, drawings and more by M.C. Escher, a hugely famous Dutch graphic artist on display.

“The exhibition highlights Escher’s explorations of nature, mathematics, science, and the realm of his imagination. Escher’s best-known prints will be on view, as well as his lesser-known portraits and Italian landscapes, in the most comprehensive Escher exhibition ever presented in the United States,” says the NC Museum of Art.

For more information visit the North Carolina Museum of Art at 2110 Blue Ridge Road in Raleigh, or visit their website, www.ncartmuseum.org.

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